Ginger: Come into the garden, Mika...
Mika: Oi! Who you?
Ginger: From the fencetops I sing my love. Come and play wif me.
Mika: OI! You in Mika's garden! Pissoff!
Ginger: Mika be mine, come play wif me, You are all a kitty could dream, Your fur is as golden as chicken skin, Your fur is as white as cream...
Mika: PISSOFF!!! This is Mika's garden!
Ginger: Mika my love?
Mika: Gonna punch you, tresspasser!
Ginger: Let me stare into your tuna-gold eyes...
Mika: Yeah, gonna stare you down, chump.
Ginger: Such is the beauty, I sigh among the grass.
Ginger: Agh!
Mika: And STAY out!
Ginger: The course of true love never did run unbashed. I shall return, beloved...